360renos has been receiving quite a few requests from Ottawa homeowners wishing to complete their basements to have additional space. Whether additional living space for the family, children learning from home and online or office space due to so many working from home and needing that quiet area.
Of course a properly finished basement has numerous steps to be completed prior to ending up with a space that homeowners desire.
Planning and design, building permit, framing, insulation, electrical, HVAC, lighting, inspections, finishes.
One of the most important challenges homeowners need to be aware of is proper basement insulating. Ensuring the wall and insulating assembly is properly built to ensure the space is kept dry, insulates as it was intended to limit heat loss and there is no potential for future mold growth.
Basements can account for about 20 percent of a home’s total heat loss.
This is due to the large, uninsulated surface area both above and below grade
level. Contrary to popular opinion, earth is a poor insulator. There is also a lot of air leakage through basement windows and penetrations (including cracks in these areas) and at the top of the foundation wall (sill area).
Every homeowner should read the following for relevant background information about the science behind retrofit techniques and materials as well as for important health and safety information. Great information and advice from the National Research Council.
360renos would be pleased to offer advice and help with your basement project.